Scan report for ""

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Normal Scan (nmap
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.065s latency).
rDNS record for
Not shown: 855 closed tcp ports (reset)
21/tcp    open     ftp
22/tcp    filtered ssh
70/tcp    open     gopher
80/tcp    open     http
82/tcp    open     xfer
83/tcp    open     mit-ml-dev
85/tcp    open     mit-ml-dev
88/tcp    open     kerberos-sec
100/tcp   open     newacct
111/tcp   open     rpcbind
389/tcp   open     ldap
443/tcp   open     https
444/tcp   open     snpp
445/tcp   open     microsoft-ds
554/tcp   open     rtsp
555/tcp   open     dsf
777/tcp   open     multiling-http
801/tcp   open     device
999/tcp   open     garcon
1001/tcp  open     webpush
1022/tcp  filtered exp2
1025/tcp  open     NFS-or-IIS
1088/tcp  open     cplscrambler-al
1111/tcp  open     lmsocialserver
1112/tcp  open     msql
1114/tcp  open     mini-sql
1117/tcp  open     ardus-mtrns
1119/tcp  open     bnetgame
1121/tcp  open     rmpp
1122/tcp  open     availant-mgr
1126/tcp  open     hpvmmdata
1199/tcp  open     dmidi
1213/tcp  open     mpc-lifenet
1234/tcp  open     hotline
1433/tcp  open     ms-sql-s
1583/tcp  open     simbaexpress
1666/tcp  open     netview-aix-6
1875/tcp  open     westell-stats
2009/tcp  open     news
2020/tcp  open     xinupageserver
2022/tcp  open     down
2288/tcp  open     netml
2701/tcp  open     sms-rcinfo
2710/tcp  open     sso-service
2800/tcp  open     acc-raid
2811/tcp  open     gsiftp
2869/tcp  open     icslap
2909/tcp  open     funk-dialout
2910/tcp  open     tdaccess
2920/tcp  open     roboeda
2967/tcp  open     symantec-av
2968/tcp  open     enpp
2998/tcp  open     iss-realsec
3000/tcp  open     ppp
3001/tcp  open     nessus
3003/tcp  open     cgms
3005/tcp  open     deslogin
3006/tcp  open     deslogind
3007/tcp  open     lotusmtap
3011/tcp  open     trusted-web
3013/tcp  open     gilatskysurfer
3017/tcp  open     event_listener
3052/tcp  open     powerchute
3071/tcp  open     csd-mgmt-port
3077/tcp  open     orbix-loc-ssl
3128/tcp  open     squid-http
3301/tcp  open     unknown
3306/tcp  open     mysql
3322/tcp  open     active-net
3323/tcp  open     active-net
3324/tcp  open     active-net
3333/tcp  open     dec-notes
3800/tcp  open     pwgpsi
4000/tcp  open     remoteanything
4003/tcp  open     pxc-splr-ft
4005/tcp  open     pxc-pin
4006/tcp  open     pxc-spvr
4111/tcp  open     xgrid
4242/tcp  open     vrml-multi-use
4444/tcp  open     krb524
5000/tcp  open     upnp
5050/tcp  open     mmcc
5060/tcp  open     sip
5222/tcp  open     xmpp-client
5555/tcp  open     freeciv
5900/tcp  open     vnc
5959/tcp  open     unknown
6001/tcp  open     X11:1
6510/tcp  open     mcer-port
6543/tcp  open     mythtv
6567/tcp  open     esp
6667/tcp  open     irc
6789/tcp  open     ibm-db2-admin
6792/tcp  open     unknown
6969/tcp  open     acmsoda
7001/tcp  open     afs3-callback
7002/tcp  open     afs3-prserver
7004/tcp  open     afs3-kaserver
7007/tcp  open     afs3-bos
7070/tcp  open     realserver
7435/tcp  open     unknown
7777/tcp  open     cbt
7778/tcp  open     interwise
8000/tcp  open     http-alt
8001/tcp  open     vcom-tunnel
8002/tcp  open     teradataordbms
8007/tcp  open     ajp12
8008/tcp  open     http
8010/tcp  open     xmpp
8011/tcp  open     unknown
8080/tcp  open     http-proxy
8081/tcp  open     blackice-icecap
8082/tcp  open     blackice-alerts
8085/tcp  open     unknown
8088/tcp  open     radan-http
8089/tcp  open     unknown
8090/tcp  open     opsmessaging
8099/tcp  open     unknown
8181/tcp  open     intermapper
8192/tcp  open     sophos
8383/tcp  open     m2mservices
8443/tcp  open     https-alt
8800/tcp  open     sunwebadmin
8888/tcp  open     sun-answerbook
8899/tcp  open     ospf-lite
9000/tcp  open     cslistener
9001/tcp  open     tor-orport
9002/tcp  open     dynamid
9003/tcp  open     unknown
9011/tcp  open     d-star
9080/tcp  open     glrpc
9090/tcp  open     zeus-admin
9099/tcp  open     unknown
9998/tcp  open     distinct32
9999/tcp  open     abyss
10001/tcp open     scp-config
10002/tcp open     documentum
12345/tcp open     netbus
20000/tcp open     dnp
44442/tcp open     coldfusion-auth
44443/tcp open     coldfusion-auth
44501/tcp open     unknown
49161/tcp open     unknown
50001/tcp open     unknown
55555/tcp open     unknown

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2.93 seconds
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Online Port scanner - portscanner, nmap, unicornscan | Product Hunt
Detailed report
Target IP
Host status
Target Country
Target IP location is United States of America
United States of America
Free scan
Free scan
Scan method
Normal Scan
Scan status
Identified 145 ports
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Scan date
05 Sep 2024 09:18
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