Scan report for ""

Membership level: Free member




2min 48.77sec (168.77sec)




Scan OS information and Traceroute (nmap -A
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.18s latency).
Other addresses for (not scanned): 240e:966:1c02:200::
Not shown: 554 filtered tcp ports (no-response), 380 filtered tcp ports (host-prohibited), 3 filtered tcp ports (admin-prohibited)
80/tcp    open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-server-header: openresty
|_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (application/xml).
81/tcp    open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_http-server-header: openresty
82/tcp    open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_http-server-header: openresty
83/tcp    open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_http-server-header: openresty
88/tcp    open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-server-header: openresty
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
89/tcp    open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-server-header: openresty
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
90/tcp    open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-server-header: openresty
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
99/tcp    open   ssl/http   nginx
|_http-server-header: openresty
| tls-alpn: 
|_  http/1.1
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
| tls-nextprotoneg: 
|_  http/1.1
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=*\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xAF\xBB\xE6\xA2\xA6\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE6\x81\xAF\xE6\x8A\x80\xE6\x9C\xAF\xE6\x9C\x89\xE9\x99\x90\xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8/stateOrProvinceName=\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xB8\x82/countryName=CN
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*,
| Not valid before: 2024-02-26T00:00:00
|_Not valid after:  2025-03-26T23:59:59
443/tcp   open   ssl/http   OpenResty web app server
| tls-alpn: 
|_  http/1.1
|_http-server-header: openresty
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=*\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xAF\xBB\xE6\xA2\xA6\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE6\x81\xAF\xE6\x8A\x80\xE6\x9C\xAF\xE6\x9C\x89\xE9\x99\x90\xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8/stateOrProvinceName=\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xB8\x82/countryName=CN
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*,
| Not valid before: 2024-02-26T00:00:00
|_Not valid after:  2025-03-26T23:59:59
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
| tls-nextprotoneg: 
|_  http/1.1
|_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (application/xml).
801/tcp   open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_http-server-header: openresty
808/tcp   open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-server-header: openresty
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
843/tcp   open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_http-server-header: openresty
1000/tcp  open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_http-server-header: openresty
1066/tcp  open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-server-header: openresty
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
1067/tcp  open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-server-header: openresty
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
1443/tcp  open   ssl/http   OpenResty web app server
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=*\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xAF\xBB\xE6\xA2\xA6\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE6\x81\xAF\xE6\x8A\x80\xE6\x9C\xAF\xE6\x9C\x89\xE9\x99\x90\xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8/stateOrProvinceName=\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xB8\x82/countryName=CN
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*,
| Not valid before: 2024-02-26T00:00:00
|_Not valid after:  2025-03-26T23:59:59
| tls-nextprotoneg: 
|_  http/1.1
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
| tls-alpn: 
|_  http/1.1
|_http-server-header: openresty
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
2003/tcp  open   ssl/http   nginx
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_http-server-header: openresty
| tls-nextprotoneg: 
|_  http/1.1
| tls-alpn: 
|_  http/1.1
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=*\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xAF\xBB\xE6\xA2\xA6\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE6\x81\xAF\xE6\x8A\x80\xE6\x9C\xAF\xE6\x9C\x89\xE9\x99\x90\xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8/stateOrProvinceName=\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xB8\x82/countryName=CN
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*,
| Not valid before: 2024-02-26T00:00:00
|_Not valid after:  2025-03-26T23:59:59
3000/tcp  open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-server-header: openresty
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
4003/tcp  open   ssl/http   nginx
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_http-server-header: openresty
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=*\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xAF\xBB\xE6\xA2\xA6\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE6\x81\xAF\xE6\x8A\x80\xE6\x9C\xAF\xE6\x9C\x89\xE9\x99\x90\xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8/stateOrProvinceName=\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xB8\x82/countryName=CN
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*,
| Not valid before: 2024-02-26T00:00:00
|_Not valid after:  2025-03-26T23:59:59
| tls-nextprotoneg: 
|_  http/1.1
| tls-alpn: 
|_  http/1.1
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
4443/tcp  open   ssl/http   OpenResty web app server
| tls-nextprotoneg: 
|_  http/1.1
|_http-server-header: openresty
| tls-alpn: 
|_  http/1.1
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=*\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xAF\xBB\xE6\xA2\xA6\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE6\x81\xAF\xE6\x8A\x80\xE6\x9C\xAF\xE6\x9C\x89\xE9\x99\x90\xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8/stateOrProvinceName=\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xB8\x82/countryName=CN
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*,
| Not valid before: 2024-02-26T00:00:00
|_Not valid after:  2025-03-26T23:59:59
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
5000/tcp  open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-server-header: openresty
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
6007/tcp  open   ssl/http   nginx
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=*\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xAF\xBB\xE6\xA2\xA6\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE6\x81\xAF\xE6\x8A\x80\xE6\x9C\xAF\xE6\x9C\x89\xE9\x99\x90\xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8/stateOrProvinceName=\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xB8\x82/countryName=CN
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*,
| Not valid before: 2024-02-26T00:00:00
|_Not valid after:  2025-03-26T23:59:59
| tls-alpn: 
|_  http/1.1
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
| tls-nextprotoneg: 
|_  http/1.1
|_http-server-header: openresty
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
7001/tcp  open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-server-header: openresty
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
7002/tcp  open   ssl/http   nginx
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
|_http-server-header: openresty
| tls-alpn: 
|_  http/1.1
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
| tls-nextprotoneg: 
|_  http/1.1
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=*\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xAF\xBB\xE6\xA2\xA6\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE6\x81\xAF\xE6\x8A\x80\xE6\x9C\xAF\xE6\x9C\x89\xE9\x99\x90\xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8/stateOrProvinceName=\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xB8\x82/countryName=CN
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*,
| Not valid before: 2024-02-26T00:00:00
|_Not valid after:  2025-03-26T23:59:59
7004/tcp  open   ssl/http   nginx
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=*\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xAF\xBB\xE6\xA2\xA6\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE6\x81\xAF\xE6\x8A\x80\xE6\x9C\xAF\xE6\x9C\x89\xE9\x99\x90\xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8/stateOrProvinceName=\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xB8\x82/countryName=CN
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*,
| Not valid before: 2024-02-26T00:00:00
|_Not valid after:  2025-03-26T23:59:59
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
| tls-nextprotoneg: 
|_  http/1.1
| tls-alpn: 
|_  http/1.1
|_http-server-header: openresty
8000/tcp  open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-server-header: openresty
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
8001/tcp  open   ssl/http   nginx
| tls-nextprotoneg: 
|_  http/1.1
|_http-server-header: openresty
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=*\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xAF\xBB\xE6\xA2\xA6\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE6\x81\xAF\xE6\x8A\x80\xE6\x9C\xAF\xE6\x9C\x89\xE9\x99\x90\xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8/stateOrProvinceName=\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xB8\x82/countryName=CN
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*,
| Not valid before: 2024-02-26T00:00:00
|_Not valid after:  2025-03-26T23:59:59
| tls-alpn: 
|_  http/1.1
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
8002/tcp  open   ssl/http   nginx
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
| tls-alpn: 
|_  http/1.1
| tls-nextprotoneg: 
|_  http/1.1
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=*\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xAF\xBB\xE6\xA2\xA6\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE6\x81\xAF\xE6\x8A\x80\xE6\x9C\xAF\xE6\x9C\x89\xE9\x99\x90\xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8/stateOrProvinceName=\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xB8\x82/countryName=CN
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*,
| Not valid before: 2024-02-26T00:00:00
|_Not valid after:  2025-03-26T23:59:59
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
|_http-server-header: openresty
8007/tcp  open   ssl/http   nginx
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=*\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xAF\xBB\xE6\xA2\xA6\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE6\x81\xAF\xE6\x8A\x80\xE6\x9C\xAF\xE6\x9C\x89\xE9\x99\x90\xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8/stateOrProvinceName=\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xB8\x82/countryName=CN
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*,
| Not valid before: 2024-02-26T00:00:00
|_Not valid after:  2025-03-26T23:59:59
| tls-alpn: 
|_  http/1.1
|_http-server-header: openresty
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
| tls-nextprotoneg: 
|_  http/1.1
8008/tcp  open   ssl/http   nginx
| tls-alpn: 
|_  http/1.1
| tls-nextprotoneg: 
|_  http/1.1
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=*\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xAF\xBB\xE6\xA2\xA6\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE6\x81\xAF\xE6\x8A\x80\xE6\x9C\xAF\xE6\x9C\x89\xE9\x99\x90\xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8/stateOrProvinceName=\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xB8\x82/countryName=CN
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*,
| Not valid before: 2024-02-26T00:00:00
|_Not valid after:  2025-03-26T23:59:59
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_http-server-header: openresty
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
8081/tcp  open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_http-server-header: openresty
8082/tcp  open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_http-server-header: openresty
8083/tcp  open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-server-header: openresty
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
8084/tcp  open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-server-header: openresty
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
8085/tcp  open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_http-server-header: openresty
8086/tcp  open   ssl/http   nginx
| tls-nextprotoneg: 
|_  http/1.1
|_http-server-header: openresty
| tls-alpn: 
|_  http/1.1
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=*\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xAF\xBB\xE6\xA2\xA6\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE6\x81\xAF\xE6\x8A\x80\xE6\x9C\xAF\xE6\x9C\x89\xE9\x99\x90\xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8/stateOrProvinceName=\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xB8\x82/countryName=CN
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*,
| Not valid before: 2024-02-26T00:00:00
|_Not valid after:  2025-03-26T23:59:59
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
8087/tcp  open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_http-server-header: openresty
8088/tcp  open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-server-header: openresty
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
8089/tcp  open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-server-header: openresty
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
8090/tcp  open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_http-server-header: openresty
8181/tcp  open   ssl/http   nginx
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
| tls-alpn: 
|_  http/1.1
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=*\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xAF\xBB\xE6\xA2\xA6\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE6\x81\xAF\xE6\x8A\x80\xE6\x9C\xAF\xE6\x9C\x89\xE9\x99\x90\xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8/stateOrProvinceName=\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xB8\x82/countryName=CN
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*,
| Not valid before: 2024-02-26T00:00:00
|_Not valid after:  2025-03-26T23:59:59
| tls-nextprotoneg: 
|_  http/1.1
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
|_http-server-header: openresty
8200/tcp  open   ssl/http   nginx
| tls-alpn: 
|_  http/1.1
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
| tls-nextprotoneg: 
|_  http/1.1
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_http-server-header: openresty
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=*\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xAF\xBB\xE6\xA2\xA6\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE6\x81\xAF\xE6\x8A\x80\xE6\x9C\xAF\xE6\x9C\x89\xE9\x99\x90\xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8/stateOrProvinceName=\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xB8\x82/countryName=CN
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*,
| Not valid before: 2024-02-26T00:00:00
|_Not valid after:  2025-03-26T23:59:59
8300/tcp  open   ssl/http   nginx
|_http-server-header: openresty
| tls-nextprotoneg: 
|_  http/1.1
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
| tls-alpn: 
|_  http/1.1
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=*\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xAF\xBB\xE6\xA2\xA6\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE6\x81\xAF\xE6\x8A\x80\xE6\x9C\xAF\xE6\x9C\x89\xE9\x99\x90\xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8/stateOrProvinceName=\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xB8\x82/countryName=CN
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*,
| Not valid before: 2024-02-26T00:00:00
|_Not valid after:  2025-03-26T23:59:59
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
8443/tcp  open   ssl/http   OpenResty web app server
|_http-server-header: openresty
| tls-alpn: 
|_  http/1.1
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=*\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xAF\xBB\xE6\xA2\xA6\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE6\x81\xAF\xE6\x8A\x80\xE6\x9C\xAF\xE6\x9C\x89\xE9\x99\x90\xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8/stateOrProvinceName=\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xB8\x82/countryName=CN
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*,
| Not valid before: 2024-02-26T00:00:00
|_Not valid after:  2025-03-26T23:59:59
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
| tls-nextprotoneg: 
|_  http/1.1
8701/tcp  open   ssl/http   nginx
| tls-nextprotoneg: 
|_  http/1.1
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
| tls-alpn: 
|_  http/1.1
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=*\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xAF\xBB\xE6\xA2\xA6\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE6\x81\xAF\xE6\x8A\x80\xE6\x9C\xAF\xE6\x9C\x89\xE9\x99\x90\xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8/stateOrProvinceName=\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xB8\x82/countryName=CN
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*,
| Not valid before: 2024-02-26T00:00:00
|_Not valid after:  2025-03-26T23:59:59
|_http-server-header: openresty
8800/tcp  open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_http-server-header: openresty
8888/tcp  open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-server-header: openresty
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
8899/tcp  open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_http-server-header: openresty
9002/tcp  open   ssl/http   nginx
|_http-server-header: openresty
| tls-alpn: 
|_  http/1.1
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
| tls-nextprotoneg: 
|_  http/1.1
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=*\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xAF\xBB\xE6\xA2\xA6\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE6\x81\xAF\xE6\x8A\x80\xE6\x9C\xAF\xE6\x9C\x89\xE9\x99\x90\xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8/stateOrProvinceName=\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xB8\x82/countryName=CN
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*,
| Not valid before: 2024-02-26T00:00:00
|_Not valid after:  2025-03-26T23:59:59
9003/tcp  open   ssl/http   nginx
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=*\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xAF\xBB\xE6\xA2\xA6\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE6\x81\xAF\xE6\x8A\x80\xE6\x9C\xAF\xE6\x9C\x89\xE9\x99\x90\xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8/stateOrProvinceName=\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xB8\x82/countryName=CN
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*,
| Not valid before: 2024-02-26T00:00:00
|_Not valid after:  2025-03-26T23:59:59
|_http-server-header: openresty
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
| tls-nextprotoneg: 
|_  http/1.1
| tls-alpn: 
|_  http/1.1
9091/tcp  open   ssl/http   nginx
| tls-alpn: 
|_  http/1.1
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
|_http-server-header: openresty
| tls-nextprotoneg: 
|_  http/1.1
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=*\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xAF\xBB\xE6\xA2\xA6\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE6\x81\xAF\xE6\x8A\x80\xE6\x9C\xAF\xE6\x9C\x89\xE9\x99\x90\xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8/stateOrProvinceName=\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xB8\x82/countryName=CN
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*,
| Not valid before: 2024-02-26T00:00:00
|_Not valid after:  2025-03-26T23:59:59
9998/tcp  closed distinct32
9999/tcp  open   ssl/http   nginx
| tls-nextprotoneg: 
|_  http/1.1
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_http-server-header: openresty
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=*\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xAF\xBB\xE6\xA2\xA6\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE6\x81\xAF\xE6\x8A\x80\xE6\x9C\xAF\xE6\x9C\x89\xE9\x99\x90\xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8/stateOrProvinceName=\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xB8\x82/countryName=CN
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*,
| Not valid before: 2024-02-26T00:00:00
|_Not valid after:  2025-03-26T23:59:59
| tls-alpn: 
|_  http/1.1
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
10000/tcp open   ssl/http   nginx
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=*\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xAF\xBB\xE6\xA2\xA6\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE6\x81\xAF\xE6\x8A\x80\xE6\x9C\xAF\xE6\x9C\x89\xE9\x99\x90\xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8/stateOrProvinceName=\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xB8\x82/countryName=CN
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*,
| Not valid before: 2024-02-26T00:00:00
|_Not valid after:  2025-03-26T23:59:59
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_http-server-header: openresty
| tls-nextprotoneg: 
|_  http/1.1
| tls-alpn: 
|_  http/1.1
10001/tcp open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_http-server-header: openresty
10002/tcp open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_http-server-header: openresty
10003/tcp open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_http-server-header: openresty
10004/tcp open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-server-header: openresty
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
10009/tcp open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-server-header: openresty
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
10012/tcp open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_http-server-header: openresty
15000/tcp open   http       OpenResty web app server
|_http-server-header: openresty
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
48080/tcp open   ssl/http   nginx
| tls-alpn: 
|_  http/1.1
|_http-server-header: openresty
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=*\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xAF\xBB\xE6\xA2\xA6\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE6\x81\xAF\xE6\x8A\x80\xE6\x9C\xAF\xE6\x9C\x89\xE9\x99\x90\xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8/stateOrProvinceName=\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xB8\x82/countryName=CN
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*,
| Not valid before: 2024-02-26T00:00:00
|_Not valid after:  2025-03-26T23:59:59
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
| tls-nextprotoneg: 
|_  http/1.1
58080/tcp open   ssl/http   nginx
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
| tls-nextprotoneg: 
|_  http/1.1
| tls-alpn: 
|_  http/1.1
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=*\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xAF\xBB\xE6\xA2\xA6\xE4\xBF\xA1\xE6\x81\xAF\xE6\x8A\x80\xE6\x9C\xAF\xE6\x9C\x89\xE9\x99\x90\xE5\x85\xAC\xE5\x8F\xB8/stateOrProvinceName=\xE4\xB8\x8A\xE6\xB5\xB7\xE5\xB8\x82/countryName=CN
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*,
| Not valid before: 2024-02-26T00:00:00
|_Not valid after:  2025-03-26T23:59:59
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
|_http-server-header: openresty
Device type: general purpose|phone
Running (JUST GUESSING): Linux 3.X|2.6.X (89%), Google Android 5.X (89%), FreeBSD 11.X (86%), OpenBSD 4.X (85%)
OS CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:3 cpe:/o:google:android:5.0.1 cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:2.6 cpe:/o:freebsd:freebsd:11.0 cpe:/o:openbsd:openbsd:4.0
Aggressive OS guesses: Linux 3.2 - 3.8 (89%), Android 5.0.1 (89%), Linux 2.6.32 - 2.6.33 (87%), FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE (86%), FreeBSD 11.2-STABLE (86%), OpenBSD 4.0 (85%), Linux 2.6.32 - 3.0 (85%), Linux 3.18 (85%), Linux 3.8 (85%)
No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal).
Network Distance: 16 hops

TRACEROUTE (using port 9998/tcp)
1   0.20 ms (
2   0.60 ms (
3   0.72 ms (
4   0.56 ms (
5   0.61 ms (
6   10.46 ms (
7   11.24 ms (
8   15.85 ms
9   ... 11
12  170.18 ms
13  175.34 ms
14  ... 15
16  174.13 ms

OS and Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 168.77 seconds
Color Scheme
Online Port scanner - portscanner, nmap, unicornscan | Product Hunt
Detailed report
Target IP
Host status
Target Country
Target IP location is China
Free scan
Free scan
Scan method
Scan OS information and Traceroute
Scan status
Identified 64 ports
Run command
nmap -A
Scan date
09 Apr 2024 04:46
Scan duration
2min 48.77sec (168.77sec)
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