Port Scan Commands

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Normal Scan (Nmap)

Nmap (Network Mapper) is a powerful and widely used open-source network scanning tool. It is designed to discover and map networks, hosts, and services running on them. Nmap uses raw IP packets to determine what hosts are available on a network, what services they are offering, what operating systems they are running, and other valuable information.

Here are some key aspects and features of Nmap:
 - Port Scanning: Nmap is primarily known for its port scanning capabilities. It can scan a target system or network for open ports, closed ports, and filtered ports. This information helps in identifying potential vulnerabilities and the services that are running on the target system.

 - Host Discovery: Nmap can be used to discover hosts on a network. It employs various techniques like ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) echo requests, TCP SYN scans, ARP requests, and others to determine which hosts are active and reachable.

 - Operating System Detection: Nmap can attempt to identify the operating system running on a target host by analyzing the network packets sent and received during the scanning process. It compares the responses to its database of known OS fingerprints to make an educated guess about the operating system.

 - Service and Version Detection: Nmap can also identify the services running on open ports and provide information about their versions. This feature allows network administrators to assess the security of the services and determine if they need to be updated or patched.

 - Scripting Engine: Nmap includes a flexible scripting engine called NSE (Nmap Scripting Engine). NSE allows users to write and execute custom scripts to automate tasks, gather additional information, or perform specific actions during the scanning process.

 - Output Formats: Nmap supports multiple output formats to present the scan results, including plain text, XML, grepable output, and interactive graphical displays. This flexibility makes it easier to parse and analyze the results using other tools or scripts.

 - Stealth and Performance: Nmap provides various scanning techniques to balance between stealth and performance. Users can choose between different scan types, such as SYN scan, TCP connect scan, UDP scan, or idle scan, depending on their requirements.

 - Extensibility and Integration: Nmap can be extended with additional scripts, referred to as NSE scripts, to enhance its functionality. There is an active community that contributes and maintains a vast collection of NSE scripts to perform specialized scanning tasks.

It is important to note that Nmap should be used responsibly and with proper authorization. Unauthorized scanning of networks or hosts without permission is illegal and unethical. It is always recommended to comply with legal and ethical guidelines when using Nmap or any other network scanning tool.

nmap [target]

[target]: Is you Domain host name or IP