Port Scan Commands

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TCP SYN Scan (Unicornscan)

TCP SYN scan is a technique used in network scanning to identify open ports on a target system. Unicornscan is a powerful open-source network scanner that supports various scanning methods, including TCP SYN scan.

In a TCP SYN scan, the scanning tool sends a SYN packet to the target system's IP address and port number. This packet initiates a three-way handshake process used in establishing a TCP connection. If the port is open, the target system responds with a SYN-ACK packet, indicating that the port is ready to receive connections. However, if the port is closed, the target system responds with a RST packet, indicating that the port is closed and not accepting connections.

Unicornscan utilizes TCP SYN scan as one of its scanning techniques to quickly identify open ports on a target system. It leverages parallelization and asynchronous scanning to achieve fast and efficient scanning capabilities. By sending a large number of SYN packets simultaneously, Unicornscan can scan multiple ports or even entire IP ranges in a relatively short amount of time.

The results of the TCP SYN scan in Unicornscan provide valuable information about the target system's network security posture. By identifying open ports, security analysts can assess potential vulnerabilities and take appropriate measures to secure the system.

It's important to note that network scanning, including TCP SYN scan, should be performed responsibly and with proper authorization. Unauthorized scanning can be considered intrusive and may be illegal. Always ensure you have the necessary permissions and follow ethical guidelines when conducting any form of network scanning.

unicornscan -msf -v [target]

[target]: Is you Domain host name or IP