Port Scan Commands

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Scan top 10 TCP ports (Nmap)

Nmap, the Network Mapper, which allows you to scan the top 10 ports using the TCP protocol. 

When you run the nmap --top-ports 10 -sT command, Nmap will perform a scan of the top 10 TCP ports using a TCP connect scan method. It will sequentially attempt to connect to each port and determine its status (open, closed, or filtered) based on the connection result.

The results of the scan will be displayed in the terminal or command prompt. Nmap will provide information about the open ports and their associated services, if available. It may also provide additional details such as the version of the service running on the open ports or the operating system of the target system, depending on the scan configuration and the level of access and information available.

It's important to note that while scanning the top 10 ports can give you a quick overview of the most commonly used services on a target system, it may not cover all possible ports or services. If you require a more comprehensive scan, you can adjust the port range or use additional options in the Nmap command.

Remember to always conduct scanning activities responsibly and with proper authorization. Unauthorized scanning of systems or networks may be against the law and can have serious consequences.

nmap --top-ports 10 -sT [target]

[target]: Is you Domain host name or IP